
This blog is primarily devoted to an analysis of the never ending wars in America. My view is that war is profitable and, from that perspective, it can be shown that many of these wars are unnecessary and imperial in nature. Furthermore, these undeclared wars are creating huge deficits that are unsustainable and do not serve the best interest of all Americans in terms of our economic strength or political stability.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008

World Trade Center Attack Confirmation in 1996

This sounds very similar to the 9/11 attacks:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Alex Jones Interviewed by Russia Today

This is clearly a shocking admission that our government is criminal. Of course, what do you expect with neocons in charge:


Monday, August 25, 2008

Russia Backs Independence of Georgian Rebel Provinces

It looks like Russia has not only given America and the Bush administration a black eye with defeating Georgia's attack, but also seems to be defeating us at politics as well. Check out this latest story about Russia's political move regarding Georgia. The Bush administration has clearly underestimated the Russians:



Friday, August 22, 2008

Russia's Response

This is a pretty good article about the deployment of missile interceptors in Poland:


Do you think that the Russians will passively accept this check position from the Bush administration even if the scope and purpose of the missile interceptors are supposedly limited to 10 and only for Iran or other small rogue nations?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tbilisi admits miscalculating Russian reaction

How could they not expect Russia to respond to this deadly sneak attack?


Principles of Just War

What are your thoughts on the Principles of Just War and the current U.S. war policies?

There are seven principles or criteria for the just war. The first five principles apply as a nation is "on the way to war" (jus ad bellum) and the final two apply to military forces "in the midst of war" (jus in bello). Briefly, they are as follows:
Just cause--All aggression is condemned in just war theory. Participation in the war in question must be prompted by a just cause or defensive cause. No war of unprovoked aggression can ever be justified. Only defensive war is legitimate.

Just intention (right intention)--The war in question must have a just intention, that is, its intent must be to secure a fair peace for all parties involved. Therefore, revenge, conquest, economic gain, and ideological supremacy are not legitimate motives for going to war. There must be a belief that ultimately greater good than harm will result from the war.

Last resort--The war in question must be engaged in only as a last resort. Other means of resolution such as diplomacy and economic pressure must have been exhausted.

Formal declaration--The war in question must be initiated with a formal declaration by properly constituted authorities. Only governments can declare war, not individuals, terrorist organizations, mercenaries, or militias.

Limited objectives--The war in question must be characterized by limited objectives. This means that securing peace is the goal and purpose of going to war. The war must be waged in such a way that once peace is attainable, hostilities cease. Complete destruction of a nation's political institutions or economic institutions is an improper objective.

Proportionate means--Combatant forces of the opposition forces may not be subjected to greater harm than is necessary to secure victory and peace. The types of weapons and amount of force used must be limited to only what is needed to repel the aggression, deter future attacks, and secure a just peace. Therefore, total or unlimited warfare is inappropriate. ("You don't burn down the barn to roast the pig.")

Noncombatant immunity--Military forces must respect individuals and groups not participating in the conflict and must abstain from attacking them. Since only governments can declare war, only governmental forces or agents are legitimate targets. This means that prisoners of war, civilians, and casualties are immune from intentional attacks.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Russia Threatens Military Response if U.S., Poland Follow Through With Missile Defense Deal

Well, it seems to me that the Russians are not going to allow the U.S.A. to encircle them and put them in check. What are your thoughts?


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


What is it good for?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tom Clancy Predicted the Events in Georgia

Does this sound familiar? Tom Clancy predicted the events in Georgia. What do you think?


Notice that the date is April 16, 2008. Is this a coincidence?

Ghost Recon begins in April 16, 2008, with civil unrest in Russia. Ultra-nationalists have seized power in Moscow, with plans to rebuild the Iron Curtain. Their first step is clandestine support of rebel factions in Georgia and the Baltic States. This storyline foreshadows the 2008 South Ossetia War. This is where the Ghosts come in: to silence the rebellion. Armed with some of the most advanced weaponry in the world, the soldiers of the Ghost Recon force are covertly inserted into Eastern Europe and given specific missions to curtail the rebel actions and overthrow their benefactors.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

After 9/11, McCain Linked Anthrax to Iraq

McCain was clearly wrong:

CHENEY Considered Killing Americans in Pretext to Attack IRAN

Just when you begin to think that 9/11 could not have been an inside job there's this story:

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Marching Off Into Tyranny

Paul Craig Roberts explains the anthrax scare in more detail in this article:
