
This blog is primarily devoted to an analysis of the never ending wars in America. My view is that war is profitable and, from that perspective, it can be shown that many of these wars are unnecessary and imperial in nature. Furthermore, these undeclared wars are creating huge deficits that are unsustainable and do not serve the best interest of all Americans in terms of our economic strength or political stability.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Obama and McCain debate ways to deal with Iran

By Steve Holland
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said on Wednesday Iran's missile tests proved a need for direct U.S. talks with Tehran while Republican John McCain emphasized sanctions and an anti-missile shield.
Iran's launching of nine long-range and medium-range missiles reverberated across the U.S. campaign trail and both candidates were quick to offer their ideas on forcing Tehran to back down while questioning each other's tactics.
The United States suspects Tehran is developing a nuclear weapon, a charge Iran denies. Neither Obama nor McCain discussed a military option against Iran, emphasizing diplomatic activity instead.
But only Obama saw the need for direct talks with the Iranian leadership, an option for which he was hotly criticized during the Democratic primary campaign by vanquished rival Hillary Clinton as well as by McCain.
"As these tests have reaffirmed, the threat from Iran's nuclear program is real and it is grave. As president, I will do everything in my power to eliminate that threat, and that must begin with direct, aggressive and sustained diplomacy," Illinois Sen. Obama said in a statement.
McCain, who in the past has criticized Obama's pursuit of direct talks with Iran as naive, told reporters in South Park, Pennsylvania, that the United States already has ways to communicate its views to Tehran.
"We have lines of communications with the Iranians and they are many," McCain said. "Their behavior ... has obviously not changed."

See more details at http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSN0943579320080709

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